What Should Diabetics Eat?

Reverse Diabetes

A healthy diet can help diabetics keep blood glucose levels under control. Although you may be afraid to eat anything, it is important to maintain a healthy diet. Find out how to keep your blood sugar under control and limit the severity of your diabetes.

The type of diabetes you have, your weight and the extent of your condition all affect the food choices you should make. For example, type I diabetics should consume less protein than type II diabetics. Type I diabetics are more likely to have kidney disease. Your doctor will certainly tell you what type of diabetes you have. Remember this when making your meal plan.

Diabetics should avoid high-fat foods, food that is high in sugar, processed foods and alcohol. Fatty foods can decrease insulin sensitivity, increase cholesterol levels and increase your chance of heart disease. Too much fat also increases the chance for non-diabetics to develop the disease. Sugary foods and drinks can cause a spike in blood sugar.

When you want something sweet, choose whole fruits instead of low-quality snacks and juice. The sugar in fruit is less likely to cause problems with your glucose levels because they also contain fiber which slows the absorption of sugar.

Avoid eating dried fruit as well because most dried fruit contains extremely concentrated sugar levels. Processed foods often contain trans fats that enhance the development of cardiovascular disease and simple carbohydrates that can cause a spike in blood glucose.

Fried foods should be avoided because they are loaded with trans fats, empty calories and will pack on the pounds. Diabetics can drink alcohol in moderation. However, alcohol beverages should be consumed with food to slow the absorption of alcohol sugar. Drinking too much alcohol can cause a sudden and dangerous drop in blood glucose levels. To be safe, talk to your doctor about drinking alcohol.

Complex carbohydrates that are full of fiber slow digestion and absorption which prevents spikes in blood glucose levels. These carbohydrates should be mixed with healthy fats and protein. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Fruit can help satisfy your taste for something sweet while providing plenty of fiber to slow down sugar absorption. Try to eat at the same time every day and space your meals evenly throughout the day. Never skip meals because not eating can lead to a drop in blood sugar.

Your doctor may refer you to a registered dietitian to get a completely personalized diet plan. There are general rules that should be followed by diabetics but a diet that is specialized to your particular health and situation is the best way to go. If you are having trouble sticking to our diet, your doctor or dietitian may be able to help you by providing alternative choices.

It can be difficult to stick to any type of diet constantly. Diabetics must try to eat in a healthy way to improve their condition and prevent the serious conditions that may result from high blood sugar, low blood sugar and inconsistent blood sugar levels. Your health will continue to improve when you follow the guidelines in this article.

Diabetes Loophole

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